Got a minute? We want to hear from you! 
It's that easy. Take part in the survey and get BPoints.
Step 1: Register as survey panelist
Step 2: Take a survey
Step 3: Get rewarded BPoints
By submitting the above application, you agree and give your consent to participate in surveys by receiving survey invitations via your registered email address. B Infinite privacy policy:
  1. Your BCard/BI Card must be registered before you become a panelist.
  2. Your application above shall NOT be processed should your BCard/BI Card have not been registered.
  3. Your email address submitted above must be the same email registeBCarred with d/BI Card.
  4. Update your BCard/BI Card profile before registering as a panellist to avoid error.
  5. You can only receive BPoints with one (1) BCard/BI Card at one (1) time when you become a panellist.
  6. For any duplicated and multiple applications, BCard/BI Card will take the most recent entry as the correct and final application.
  7. BCard/BI Card shall not be held responsible should members fail to receive BPoints due to any invalid or incorrect submissions.